
Plum is a gift of nature that pleases us with its sweetness and flavor. In this section, we present you a wide range of varieties of this magnificent fruit, each with its own unique characteristics and flavors. From varieties with a soft texture and incredible sweetness to varieties ideal for canning and jams, we have plums for every taste and purpose.

Seasonality graph

Jan Feb March Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Čačanska Rana
Čačanska Lepotica
Black Star
Čačanska Najbolia

Čačanska Rana



Fruits are large, 35-40 mm in diameter. Fruit shape is oval-cylindrical, slightly asymmetrical. The peel is dark blue, with a thick layer of soot, very waxy.

The flesh is green-yellow, sweet-sour, does not stick to the kernel. 

Maturation and harvesting

It ripens in mid-July.

Čačanska Lepotica



The fruits of this variety are large, about 30-50 grams, they have an elliptical shape, very large. 

The taste is pleasant, sweet sour. The skin is blue, matte.

The pulp does not stick to the kernel. Which is large and rocky.

Maturation and harvesting

Harvested in July

Black Star



The fruits are large, spherical in shape. The flesh is bright yellow, very juicy, sweet and flavorful. In color, adult fruits are almost black. The seed is very small and does not stick to the pulp. Fruits are very resistant to transportation and storage.

Maturation and harvesting

Harvested in July

Čačanska Najbolia



Najbolia fruits are large (up to 70 grams), covered with a powdery bloom. The flesh is sweet and juicy, easily separated from the pit.

Maturation and harvesting

Reaches maturity in late August.




The fruits are large, weighing approximately 55 grams. They have an oval-spherical shape. The fruits are resistant to handling and transportation. 

The flesh is fleshy and firm, with a sweet-sour, very pronounced taste, yellow-green color, does not stick to the pit. The rind has a matte appearance and purple color.

Maturation and harvesting

It is harvested in late August and early September.




The fruits are very large (45-60 grams), the largest on the market at present. The fruit can be stored under optimal conditions for up to 8 weeks after picking. 

The flesh is golden yellow, dense and very flavorful, easily separated from the seed.

Maturation and harvesting

They ripen in early September.




The fruit is medium-sized (30-40 grams), oval, asymmetrical, dark purple, with blue pollen. Fruits are colored long before full maturity.

The flesh is yellowish, dense, sweetish, faintly aromatic, does not stick to the pit. 

Maturation and harvesting

They ripen in early September.

Grown with love

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